Scaffold Planks for Rent
Scaffold planks are an essential piece of any scaffolding structure. Whether it is being used for projects in new construction, restoration, renovation, residential, industrial, exterior or interior, all scaffolding must be fully decked with planks in order to be OSHA compliant.
Anyone who uses scaffold to access their job needs some type of scaffold plank. It could be a mason laying brick, an electrician running new wire, even plumbers or roofers making repairs. Many contractors have a preference of wood, steel, or aluminum when it comes to the scaffold planks they use.
Interested in renting a product?
You can pick up today or have it delivered.
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Contact Our Sales Manager:
William DeMent
OSHA requires each employer using construction access equipment to have a “Competent Person” on site to identify hazards and correct them.
Associated Scaffolding offers training classes that can give your personnel the knowledge to do that and more. We have a variety of classes from “Competent Person” training for supported or suspended scaffolds, to OSHA 30-hour training, CPR/first aid, and fall protection.